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Monday, December 23, 2024 75° Today's Paper

Island Voices


Column: Hawaii schools must grow good leaders

Many years ago, when I was learning to be a teacher in a Hawaiian homestead community, I stumbled on a strategy that gave every child an opportunity to be a leader. It became a foundational element of our class community. Read more

Column: Develop geothermal, not fossil fuels

These are tough times. We must work harder than ever to prepare Hawaii to face the future with confidence and to thrive. We must stay true to our commitments to make life better for our communities across the islands. Read more

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Column: Health care policy hurts Hawaii patients

The current health policy fad is “value-based payment” — blaming high health care cost on fee-for-service and overutilization of care and instead, offering upfront payment per member, or capitation, as an incentive to reduce utilization and control costs. Read more

Column: Red Hill medical data must see release

The Department of Defense’s inspector general (IG) report released last week provides another disheartening blow to families sickened during the 2021 fuel leak as we learned the Navy missed not one, but four opportunities to warn us. Read more

Column: Rebuild elementary school in Lahaina

The Hawaii Department of Education is deciding whether to rebuild King Kamehameha III Elementary School in Lahaina or near Kapalua Airport, an 18-minute drive away. Read more

Column: Out-of-touch Dems have only themselves to blame for loss

Not everyone expecting a strong night for former President Donald Trump was a Republican. I’m the former vice chair of the Oahu County Democrats, and I did, too. Now an independent, it bemused me to see what’s become of a once great farmer’s-laborer’s party. Read more

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