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The proposed location for the new solid waste landfill is a terrible choice. I say that as someone who helped develop the pass/no pass line in the 1970s for the Honolulu Board of Water Supply.
Chester Lao and I, both hydrogeologists, drew the line using the geologic map of Oahu, which delineated the contact between the sediments from the older, underlying basaltic aquifers. The pass/no pass line sounds simplistic, but it is based on science. Impermeable sediments are a barrier from pollution to the underlying aquifer. Basaltic lava flows are permeable, and they can transmit water easily either as rainfall recharge to the aquifer or as groundwater once there.
The problem with the new site is obvious. Leaks of pollutants will infiltrate to the groundwater below. The proposed site sits over a large aquifer, and leaks and spills will occur, no matter the “state of the art” technology.
Glenn Bauer
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